2005-2023 Healthline Media a Red Ventures Company. 2018;33(9):1749-1756. doi:10.1093/humrep/dey259. In: StatPearls. This content is imported from youTube. 0 . These connections are what cause you to feel pain in the stomach when youre kicked in the balls. Genitals are densely packed with nerve endings. Waiting it out or masturbating can also make the discomfort go away. Normal testicles should feel symmetrical and round, and you may notice a thin, coiled tube at the back of each testicle. Why does it hurt so much? Otherwise, it could lead to loss of the testicle, and that would affect your fertility and testosterone levels, sometimes even sexual function. (For more must-read information like this, sign up for our Daily Dose newsletter.). Just like I have no right commenting on pregnancy. If a person receives a minor blow to the testicles, the pain should subside within a short while. While tough enough to handle some pressure, it can only handle so much. On TRT, Im Healthier Than Ever at 62, Low Sex Drive: 5 Reasons Your Libido is AWOL. That's about 90,000 sperm every minute, 5.4 million every hour, and 130 million every day. Magdalene Taylor is a staff writer at MEL. The pain caused by a kick in the balls should subside within Per the study, testicular rupture is 80 to 90 percent salvageable when surgery occurs within 72 hours of the incident, decreasing to 40 to 50 percent from that point on. Also, the testicles hail from a land far far away from your crotch (i.e. Show All Show Less GavenK +1 y For example, a light flick to the epididymis, the tube at the back of the scrotum that stores and carries sperm, could cause severe pain, Trost says. Instead, theres referred pain that radiates because of all the nerve connections. Epididymitis occurs when the tube that carries and stores sperm, called the epididymis, becomes inflamed. In:StatPearls. The scrotum the wrinkled pouch of skin that holds the testicles is about 93.4 degrees Fahrenheit (34 degrees Celsius), while the body is typically 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit (37 degrees Celsius). Me being of sound mind insisted that getting kicked in the balls is a much worse feeling, but he claims a girl who gets punched/slapped on her boobs is much worse. so the answer is getting kicked in the balls is more painful. Well explain possible causes and treatment options. But when theres a sudden blow? Leslie SW, Sajjad H, Villanueva CA. (After the pain subsides and you catch your breath, of course.). Some exceptions include really severe injuries, like being shot in the balls or motorbike accidents. If you want to partake in this, heres how to go about it safely: If you get kicked in the balls and arent too keen on the feeling, the following may offer relief: A swift kick to the balls or any forceful trauma can cause damage to any of your scrotums contents, especially if the protective covering is torn in the process. The testicles constantly create all these sperm through a process called spermatogenesis. It might hurt like hell, but theres a difference between normal pain and fertility-ending pain. You can wear a jockstrap, or put a small rolled up towel under your sac to keep your testicles elevated, Baptiste says. Nassar GN, Leslie SW. Physiology, testosterone. lying down and avoiding any strenuous activities, wearing supportive underwear to limit movement, wearing a jockstrap or cup while playing sports, wearing a seatbelt at all times while in a vehicle, being cautious when on a bike, motorcycle, all-terrain vehicle, or similar vehicle, being extra careful when operating machinery that could catch loose clothing. (2015). Though surgery can resolve the problem early, having an undescended testicle at birth still increases your risk of health complications later in life. Uploaded 04/13/2009. Cohen says that the pain should subside in three to four hours. All rights reserved. Anyone who continues to experience pain, feel unwell, or have problems urinating should seek immediate medical assistance. These testicle facts will surprise you even if you don't have a pair. (2017). She lives in Brooklyn but is from God's Country, Western Massachusetts. We spoke to a healthcare provider specializing in sexual health to give us the facts on all things testicles. Self care and ideas to help you live a healthier, happier life. According to research, the incidence of scrotal or testicular trauma in the United States is rare. to leave the victim in pain for an hour or so. No, of course it doesn't hurt, it's not as though that area's sensitive or anything. If anything, guys will more likely try to laugh it off and make out like it didn't hurt as bad as it did (especially if he is kicked by a girl and/or in front of other girls), because they do not want to be seen as vulnerable, to have such a weakness or be in so much pain. Getting your balls busted may not be everyones bag, but that doesnt mean theres anything wrong with it. Sometimes, trauma can cause epididymitis, which is inflammation of the epididymis. Your testicles developed in your abdomen from the same level as your kidneys before descending down to the scrotum and pulling nerves down with them. If he really is worth 550k a year he'll have no problem finding another job and shouldn't be crying, if he isn't then he should be happy with all the money he has already . Although these provide some protection and may help prevent serious injury, they do not completely prevent pain. Your remaining testicle undergoes compensatory growthan enlargement to help replace an absent or damaged testicleso you still produce testosterone and sperm., Thats the beauty of having bilateral organs., A strong enough kick can essentially cause your testicle to turn on itself and cut off circulation of the spermatic cord, says Baptiste. For the most part, the aftermath of a nut shot involves some stabbing stomach pain, doubling over, a (perhaps failed) attempt at revenge, and then youre back to normal. Before going on to explained: "The average woman pushes for at least 20 minutes when in labour. Yes. When this happens, it cuts off the blood flow to the testicle. Additionally, this sex hormone is responsible for muscle development, body hair, and deepening the voice. Theyre only loosely attached to your body. This is a tube at the back of the testicles that stores and carries sperm. Both require surgery, but typically, normal testicular function can be restored if blood supply hasnt been cut off for too long. In some cases, the trauma could extend to the penis, causing pain and swelling there. Testicular torsion is when a testicle twists and rotates the spermatic cord that moves blood to your testicle. This is whats at play when you get kicked in the dingleberries but feel the pain in your stomach. Testicular torsion is rare and is more common in people under 25. An infection or other medical condition may cause it to become inflamed. Have you ever wondered why it hurts to get kicked in the balls? Medical News Today has strict sourcing guidelines and draws only from peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions, and medical journals and associations. This is usually a form of infection that can spring up days after the injury. The muscles in the scrotum will also pull the testes closer to the body if they sense any danger, even if it's not always actual danger. If you're still hunched over past that point, he suggests getting to the ER. Even if you dont care at all about your fertility, the surgery youll require from bleeding internally and removing that dead testicle attached to your body will end up being way more expensive than a vasectomy. Actually, if its bad enough, a swift bop to the balls can do some real damage. Had this argument with many a man. "If a man feels threatened or afraid, the muscles will [contract] without him even being aware of it," said Reitano. While this is a joke, you have no right commenting on the amount of pain a man feels when getting kicked in the balls. Getting punched in the balls actually only hurts as much as a punch to anywhere else would, it's the fact that the Testicles descend to outside the body during development and leaves the nerves behind in your stomach that makes it hurt so much. Penile melanosis is characterized by small patches of dark skin on the penis. DOI: Kicked between his legs Pain? But again, these problems have obvious symptoms youd know if something was wrong. What can cause lower back and testicle pain? We can put it on YouTube. The pain keeps ringing in that area, and a new wave of sharp pain, as painful as the initial hit, every second. As part of your subscription and as medically indicated, physicians prescribe medications, and recommend supplements that are delivered to you from the comfort of your home. Youre looking for immediate swelling from testicular rupture, says Baptiste. Your spermatic cord is a major nerve that spans from the inside of your belly to your testicles, Baptiste says. Most case reports today indicate success in preserving fertility, aided by enhanced ultrasound technology that allows doctors to see whats happening in the balls before taking a knife to them. This causes a restriction in blood flow to the testes, severe pain, and possibly, Left testicle pain could be caused by a number of different conditions. What Is A Micropenis and How Does It Affect Sex and Fertility? doi:10.1093/ofid/ofz032. Or for your testicles to endure any similar trauma whether its catching an errant soccer ball with your crotch, a playful nut-punch gone wrong, or even just a gentle flick. Doctors refer to this sensation as referred pain. Unlike other organsprotected by muscles and bonesyour testicles rely on your scrotum for defense. ", Sharing another horror story, a third commented: "My friend was in labour for 26 hours and pushed for four hours, no meds either. The testes have an insane amount of nerves and you definitely feel it. Read on to learn why getting kicked in the balls hurts so Your testicles developed in your abdomen from the same level as your kidneys before descending down to the scrotum and pulling nerves down with them. If you think about it, testicles take a lot of wear and tear. This also explains why some people may feel nauseated after sustaining a blow to the testicles. For more information about the relationship between Hone and the medical practices click here. You might need to lay down, take an ibuprofen or put an ice pack on them to help deal with the pain. You can't push it back in. ", "The affected ball turns black," he continues. You've either got some tiny berries or a medical condition, That just made me laugh so hard! Lumps in the testicle are typically harmless, but can be a sign of testicular cancer. According to Healthline, pain that lasts more than an hour, as well as bruising, fever, persistent nausea, difficulty peeing or blood in your pee are all causes to go to the emergency room ASAP. Ovaries and testicles are pretty much the same organ, but as the fetus develops in males, the testicles descend, pass through muscles, and go outside the body. If you don't let them heal, the pain and discomfort can get worse and so can the swelling, which will prolong the healing process, Cohen says. The other tissues and layers of your scrotal wall are also a continuation of the layers of your abdominal wall. In the absolute worst case scenario, if youre left with only one testicle as a result of an accident, your other testicle takes charge and may actually get bigger to compensate for your loss. A study found that people with testes who primarily wore boxer shorts averaged 25% higher sperm concentration and 17% higher total sperm count compared to men who wore other types of underwear, like jockeys or briefs. But is any of that true? Medically reviewed by Shilpa Amin, M.D., CAQ, FAAFP Written by Adrienne Santos-Longhurst on June 13, 2019. Dont decide whether or not to see a doctor based on how hard the blow was, because even a lighter impact can be damaging if it hit the right place. Most case reports today indicate success in preserving fertility, that allows doctors to see whats happening in the balls before taking a knife to them. This swelling pushes against blood vessels that travel along your epididymis and cuts off blood flow, causing pain and discomfort, Baptiste says. Blue balls, known medically as epididymal hypertension (EH), happen when the blood vessels to the penis and testicles expand to make room for increased blood flow, said Dr. Reitano. After you collect yourself, apply an ice pack to your testicles (but not directly; make sure theres a towel between the ice and your balls). Dr. Reitano explained that the testicles evolved to have a ton of nerves that are crazy sensitive to pain, so people are more likely to protect them. Elizabeth Millard is a freelance writer focusing on health, wellness, fitness, and food. No disrespect, but thats simply a sac of skin and smooth muscle in charge of protecting your highly sensitive stones from not just a kick, but any trauma to your manhood. The average ejaculation (which is about one-half to one teaspoon of semen) contains anywhere from 40 to 130 million sperm, said Dr. Reitano. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Even though theyre resilient enough to take all this, too much force like a kick in the nads can leave you doubled over in pain. Possible complications include: A testicular rupture is when an injury causes a rip or tear to the protective tunica albuginea and results in damage to the testicles. From your latest Hollywood ballbusting blockbuster to the women's self-defense segment in your morning news show. They start to descend just before birth, making their way from the abdominal cavity to the scrotum by way of a passage called the inguinal canal, and are typically in the scrotum by birth or within the first year of life. At most, you might notice a slightly blue tint because there's more blood volume. This prevents them from further turning on themselves, Baptiste says. or production, or is that just a painful superstition? ", Another pointed out: "Not to mention the hours of contractions prior. As a result, if you're looking to experience this there is no need to explain it . ", .css-13y9o4w{display:block;font-family:GraphikBold,GraphikBold-fallback,Helvetica,Arial,Sans-serif;font-weight:bold;margin-bottom:0;margin-top:0;-webkit-text-decoration:none;text-decoration:none;}@media (any-hover: hover){.css-13y9o4w:hover{color:link-hover;}}@media(max-width: 48rem){.css-13y9o4w{font-size:1.05rem;line-height:1.2;margin-bottom:0.25rem;}}@media(min-width: 40.625rem){.css-13y9o4w{font-size:1.28598rem;line-height:1.2;}}@media(min-width: 48rem){.css-13y9o4w{font-size:1.39461rem;line-height:1.2;margin-bottom:0.5rem;}}@media(min-width: 64rem){.css-13y9o4w{font-size:1.23488rem;line-height:1.3;}}4 Reasons Your Pee Might Be Cloudy, How To Stop Poop From Burning After Spicy Food, What to Do When You Hit Your Head Really Hard, 4 Things Every Man Should Know About Testosterone, The Truth About Testosterone and Your Libido, 20 Minutes of Exercise Lowers Hospitalization Risk. When you get hit, and I mean suddenly and actually hit in the balls, it doesn't hurt. It's because of the way your nervous system is wired. Reply . And are "blue balls" actually real? Possible causes include kidney stones, urinary, Testicular torsion, or twisted testicle, can be extremely painful. Not so much. You can also take an OTC painkiller, like ibuprofen. Type of underwear worn and markers of testicular function among men attending a fertility center. Although it only takes one sperm to fertilize an egg, having plenty of extra sperm helps increase the chances of conception. Open Forum Infect Dis. Some research suggests that epididymal injury due to trauma is fairly common, being present in 25% of scrotal ultrasounds for trauma evaluation. To prevent further twisting, you may have surgery that puts sutures on both testicles and attaches them to your scrotum. And why does it hurt so damn much? Does. Depending on how bad the injury was, your scrotum will probably be sore for three to five days afterward. PSA: Consider wearing a cup or other protective gear if you play sports. However, despite the name, your testicles don't actually turn blue. This is why any type of touch can result in some major feels good or bad depending on the amount of pressure. If you get kicked in the balls and aren't too keen on the feeling, the following may offer relief: Lay down for a bit. Home Health What Happens After You Get Kicked in the Balls? Does a hit to the balls do anything to reduce sperm count or production, or is that just a painful superstition? If you think about it, testicles take a lot of wear and tear. Unfortunately, people often catch testicular tumors late because they don't notice symptoms. Reporting on what you care about. Cryptorchidism. Healthline Media does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. So what are the worst case scenarios? Why such sensitivity, especially in a relatively small area? The former is more painful than the latter, but a kick at the balls would be even worse. I could feel it, sure but it wasn't that bad. . Patel AP. In fact, a kick to the balls is the equivalent of giving birth to 160 children and breaking up to 3,200 bones at once. In the course of your testicles moving into your scrotum, many other nerves follow suit.. When it comes to injury susceptibility, the testicles are low-hanging fruit. symptoms can be signs of a serious injury that requires immediate treatment. It will make the headache way worse and make you dizzy, disoriented and nauseous to the point of vomiting. Well guess what it is scientifically proven the the pain of child birth is 57 del units of pain and getting kicked in the balls is fucking 9000 del units. StatPearls Publishing; 2022. Youre also looking for bruising or discoloration of your scrotal skin, he adds. It only really becomes a problem when the pain doesnt subside. Not every single person will have the same reaction, though. "A sudden forceful trauma to the crown jewels can result in testicular torsion; a twisted testicle," explains Raj. Why don't I kick YOU in the balls for 20 minutes straight and let's see if you can handle it big purple ball boy.". Per the study, testicular rupture is 80 to 90 percent salvageable when surgery occurs within 72 hours of the incident, decreasing to 40 to 50 percent from that point on. If a person sustains a blow to the testicles and is experiencing chronic pain and swelling, it is advisable to seek immediate medical attention. The medic from Detroit, US, said: "Dudes say: 'getting kicked in the balls is more painful than having a baby.'". Like some other relationships, the one between your belly and your balls can sometimes cause nausea and vomiting when they take a hit. The concept of a kick in the balls is definitely out there. Some people have whats known as a ball busting fetish. I feel unqualified to be commenting but it sounds like he's got a point doesn't it? Even the teachers made comments about how the whole event could affect his ability to have kids someday, a line of thinking that gets repeated just about any time a moving object makes contact with someones delicate testes. You can learn more about how we ensure our content is accurate and current by reading our. Youre Not Going to Like This News About Alcohol and Testosterone, 7 Supplements That Boost Testosterone, Plus 2 Vitamins That Also Raise T, I Had a Heart Attack at 42. And if they can't take the heat, the scrotum will relax and let the testes hang low. In conclusion, your balls hurt so bad when you get kicked because theyre super smart and want to protect you. StatPearls Publishing; 2022. So, in the same way that cuts on the lips or fingers often hurt more than, say, a cut in the middle of the back, injuries to the penis and scrotum are more tender, Trost tells BuzzFeed Health. StatPearls Publishing; 2022. But surgery is usually needed if the testicles haven't dropped by the six-month mark. Evidence also suggests that testicular trauma may be more common in those who frequently play sports or drive a vehicle. Although it's harder to be kicked in the sensitive place (as it's between the legs instead of front and centre), as someone who has been . It can also be the result of serious conditions like testicular torsion or a sexually, Testicular torsion occurs when the spermatic cord becomes twisted. So, by all means, kick away. 23/03/12 - 15:18 #6. Free Testosterone Levels vs. Total T: Whats the Difference? They are responsible for producing sperm and secreting testosterone. . National Cancer Institutes. MNT is the registered trade mark of Healthline Media. Learn more. We all pretty much know it hurts like hell to get kicked in the balls. Anatomy and physiology of chronic scrotal pain. Studies suggest that blunt scrotal trauma accounts for less than 1% of the trauma cases that emergency departments encounter. Wear supportive underwear, or even just tight briefs, to limit movement. If this ruptures, it will swell up significantly because blood from your testicles fills up in your scrotum.. Also having stayed rather than move on when he had offers elsewhere, that would also hurt. 1 y. Without treatment, trauma may result in infertility or loss of the testicles. Agree on a safe word to be used when you want to stop. It could also indicate that the testicle has lost blood supply, and that might lead to losing one of your little guys down there. She covers internet culture, sex and the online adult industry. If you notice any hard lumps or bumps or changes in the size or shape of your testicles contact your healthcare provider to get checked out. Our product picks are editor-tested, expert-approved. Its pretty normal for a hard kick or hit to the balls to leave the victim in pain for an hour or so. The testicles actually start developing in the abdomen, just underneath the kidneys. Human Reproduction. 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getting kicked in the balls doesn't hurt